About Us
Established in 2014, AtmosC has set off in researching and developing on an air quality management platform that far surpasses any current systems. Our team consists of biologists, engineers, researchers, and scientists that have more than 25 years of experience and work continuously to revolutionize air quality systems. AtmosC has 3 locations including our head office and manufacturing sites located in Laval,
Sherbrooke and in St-Eustache.
Our AtmosC air solutions use science backed approaches to answer the air quality needs of industries as vast as restaurants, hotels, universities, governmental offices, public work areas, and daycares to name a few.

Our Warehouse
AtmosC Filtration Systems is the leading manufacturer of efficient, custom-built air cleaning solutions for heavy industry and large-scale applications. With an on-site manufacturing facility and an experienced design and implementation team, we can customize an air cleaning system to meet your exact requirements
- Safe and effective military-grade technology neutralizes airborne fumes, gases, complex chemicals, odors, particulates without the risk to your personnel, processes or the environment
- Superior activated carbon flters for the most efficient and effective fltration
- Exclusive custom CARBON + HEPA + UV fltration solutions available
- Knowledgeable feld experts that lead the industry in reliable, low maintenance solutions for residential, commercial and industrial locations.
The AtmosC Advantage
- The only complete Air Purifcation system with the 9 Phase Filtration Formula: PFF-9
- No need for various stand alone units for purification, HEPA, Carbon, Air Ionizer, Humidifier. A Series does it all
- Research backed development at the molecular level
- 15 years of experience and expertise
- Team of scientists, engineers, biologists, virologists, doctors and graduate students
- State of the art facilities to enhance all areas of development, research, testing, production
- Giving back to the communities that helped in our growth